You created the perfect email with an intriguing subject line - You Won 100$, Open to Claim! and thought it would give you higher opens.
But, your face dropped as you saw your email keep hitting higher and higher spam rates. And you thought, what did I do wrong? We guess you used a spam word, i.e., WON 100$ in your subject line, which might have triggered the spam filters, so your email landed in the spam folder.
Such incidents can happen if you aren't aware of spam words. So, we have curated a list of 284 spam words you should avoid in the subject line and email copy to keep a healthy distance from spam filters.
Table of contents
What are email spam words?
Email spam words are phrases or keywords in your subject line and email copy that email providers mark as malicious or spammy. These words activate the spam filters, causing your emails to land in the user's spam folder instead of their inbox.
Apart from the words, the context also matters.
As spam filters are getting more advanced, they won't automatically send your emails to spam if they contain words like "discount code" or "claim your offer." But, you'll be in trouble if you.
- Stuff plenty of spammy keywords.
- Use lots of emojis exclamations.
- Use all capslock, bright red fonts.
The image below reflects the spam words used in the subject line, which is why this email landed in the spam folder. Other than that, in the beginning, the sender is using all caps lock, which is another red flag.
Spam words are just one of many factors that land email in the junk folder, impacting the campaign’s deliverability.
284 spam trigger words you should avoid
Here are all the words you must avoid in your email subject line and copy to ensure that you don't get trapped by spam filters.
Symbols or exaggerated numbers
0% risk
100% more
100% free
100% satisfied
50% off
Avoid words that create unnecessary urgency
Access for free
Access now
Access right away
Act immediately
Act now
Action required
Apply NOW
Apply Online
At no cost
Buy Now
Buy direct
Cancel at any time
Cancel now
Cancellation required
Claim your discount NOW!
Claim your prize
Click below
Click here
Exclusive deal
Exclusive discount
Exclusive offer
Expiring soon
For instant access
Get it now
Get out of debt
Get out of debt NOW
Get started now
Hurry up
Important information regarding
Instant weight loss
Limited time
Limited time deal
Make $
Make Money
Now only
Offer expires in X days
Once in a lifetime deal
Once in a lifetime opportunity
Once in lifetime
Online biz opportunity
Only for today
Save up to
Sign up free today
Stuff on sale
Supplies are limited
Take action now
Vacation offers
Weight loss
While in stock
While you sleep
Avoid using exaggerated claims and a number
100% money back
Best bargain
Best offer
Best price
Big bucks
Double your leads
Double your cash
Double your income
Double your wealth
Earn extra profit
Earn $
Earn extra cash
Earn money
Earn per week
Extra cash
Extra income
Extract email
F r e e
For just X$
For only XXX amount
Free bonus
Free cell phone
Free consultation
Free DVD
Free gift
Free grant money
Free hosting
Free info
Free information
Free installation
Free instant
Free investment
Free iPhone
Free leads
Free membership
Free money
Free preview
Free quote
Free sample
Free trial
Guaranteed deposit
Guaranteed income
Guaranteed payment
Huge discount
Incredible deal
Instant earnings
Instant income
Instant offers
Lose weight
Lose weight instantly
Lowest price
Lowest price ever
Money back
Money making
Money-back guarantee
Potential earnings
Recover your debt
Recover your debt instantly
Satisfaction guaranteed
Save $
Save Big Money
Serious cash
Subject to cash
They keep your Money — no refund!
Work at home
Work from home
You are a winner!
You have been chosen
You have been selected
You will not believe your eyes
Zero chance
Zero percent
Zero risk
Avoid words that make your sound spammy or too salesy
Auto email removal
Claims not to be selling anything
Claims to be in accordance with some spam law
Claims to be legal
Compare rates
Confidentially on all orders
Deal breaker
Dig up dirt on friends
Don't delete
Don't hesitate
Easy terms
Explode your business
Fast cash
Free access
Hidden assets
Hidden charges
Info you requested
Information you requested
Join millions
Loan approved
Mass email
Never before
New customers only
No extra cost
No hidden costs
No interests
No medical exams
No middleman
No risk
No strings attached
Not intended
Not junk
Not spam
Open this email!
Please read
Priority mail
Pure profits
Requires initial investment
Save big money
Sent in compliance
Special discount
Special promotion
Strong buy
This isn't a scam
This isn't junk
This isn't spam
This won't last
Undisclosed recipient
We hate spam
We honor all
Finance related spam words
Accept credit cards
Additional income
Avoid bankruptcy
Billing address
Bonus credited
Buying judgments
Cash bonus
Check credited
Consolidate debt
Consolidate debt and credit
Eliminate bad credit
Eliminate debt
Income from home
Investment decision
Low insurance premium
Low mortgage rates
Lower interest rate
Lower monthly payment
Lower rates
Lower your mortgage rate
Lowest insurance rates
Million dollars
Outstanding amount
Outstanding values
Pennies a day
Stock alert
Stock disclaimer statement
Stock pick
Unsecured credit
Unsecured debt
XXX amount credited
XXX$ credited
Be your own boss
Brand new pager
Compete for your business
Credit card offers
Home employment
Home-based business
Legal notice
Marketing solutions
Meet singles
Meet women
Month trial offer
New domain extensions
Order shipped by
Order status
Orders shipped by the shopper
Removes wrinkles
Reverses aging
Round the world
Score with babes
Section 301
Shopping spree
Social security number
Terms and conditions
University diplomas
What's keeping you?
Free spam words checker tools
To foolproof your emails from email spam words, you can run the copy and subject line through these spam checker tools:
1. Mail Meteor spam checker
This tool gives your content a score from Poor to Good where poor means high chances of getting into the spam folder and vice-versa. It also highlights sentences and words into five different categories - Urgency, Shady, Overpromise, Money, and Unnatural.
This detailed breakdown helps you identify and remove such words.
2. Email tooler spam word analysis
It’s a simple and easy-to-use tool to run a spam check on your email. Instead of highlighting, the Thai tool lists down all the possible spam words. You can review the contextual relevance of each word and remove anything that raises the flag.
3. Autoklose spam checker
Add your subject line and email copy and it will highlight all the spam trigger words. Besides, it also offers valuable tips to get your email delivered to the inbox.
Additional tips to stay out of the email spam folder
Here are 5 crucial tips you should follow to pass through spam filters:
• Ensure emails are authenticated: SPF, DKIM, and DMARC
If your email passes through the email authentication protocols, the chances of getting to the recipient's inbox increase. These protocols signal internet service providers (ISP) that your emails are sent from a legitimate domain by an authenticated sender and don't have any spammy content.
Sender Policy Framework (SPF): SPF ensures that you send emails from an authenticated domain, not a relay server.
Domain Keys Identified Mail (DKIM): DKIM is an email security standard that ensures messages are not modified while traveling between the recipient and sending servers.
Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance (DMARC): DMARC is the actionable protocol. It means DMARC will take action when DKIM/SPF fails on your sender’s domain.
• Monitor your IP reputation
A low IP reputation can be due to IP blacklisting, getting hit by spam traps, or sending a high volume of emails without proper warmup. All these factors work as a red flag, triggering the ISP’s spam filters.
So, you must keep an eye on your IP reputation using tools like Google Postmaster or MxToolBox.
• Maintain a higher domain reputation
A higher domain reputation would mean that emails from your sender domain are less likely to be trapped in the email provider’s spam filters. Hence, you will get higher deliverability.
To monitor your domain reputation, you can use the Google postmaster tool and get insights into how your domain performs among Gmail users.
• Practices email list hygiene
Email list building is crucial for reaching out to your subscribers but cleaning it consistently to maintain a healthy email list rate is equally essential. A healthy or hygienic email list is when you remove unsubscribed users so that you don’t accidentally send them emails and risk landing in the spam folder.
Besides, you should also suppress inactive and unengaged users by implementing a sunset policy to avoid sending them emails despite their disengagement.
• Make your emails engaging and relevant
Besides the technicalities, if your emails are relevant to the recipient, they will either unsubscribe or stop interacting. This leads to lower open and clicks rates signaling ISPs that you might be sending irrelevant emails. So, put yourself in your audience’s shoes, study their pain points, and behavior, and use that data to create emails that add value.
It’s a horrible feeling to see all your time, efforts, and resources getting hit by the spam train just because you weren’t aware of the words that might trigger the spam words.
But, now you have the list which you can refer to while writing your emails. Always keep this list handy and you’ll see higher open rates.
What you should do next
Hey there, thanks for reading till the end. Here are 3 ways we can help you grow your business:
Talk to an email expert. Need someone to take your email marketing to the next level? Mailmodo’s experts are here for you. Schedule a 30-minute email consultation. Don’t worry, it’s on the house. Book a meet here.
Send emails that bring higher conversions. Mailmodo is an ESP that helps you to create and send app-like interactive emails with forms, carts, calendars, games, and other widgets for higher conversions. Get started for free.
Get smarter with our email resources. Explore all our knowledge base here and learn about email marketing, marketing strategies, best practices, growth hacks, case studies, templates, and more. Access guides here.